25 March 2013

What's really going on with missile defense?

I'll preface all of this by saying that I don't believe Russia is a friend.  They lost the Cold War, and they haven't forgotten.  Their plan was never to be able to attack us, but to defeat us through subversion and terrorism.  They couldn't spend near as much as us, but if they had nukes, they knew we couldn't afford to attack.  Sometimes the 'big stick' protects dirt bags.

Ok, I think we all remember Obama's hot mic comments, right?

"After my election, I have more flexibility."

Why is Russia not a friend?  The same people run the country as have run it for decades.  Life-long communists suddenly became capitalists?  Doubtful  Russia has long been run by oligarchs, thugs, and communists.  Just because they put up the facade of a democracy doesn't mean anything.  A wolf can put on sheepskin, but it's still a wolf.

They support Islamic theocracies around the world who support terrorism (though, so does the US via Saudi Arabia for oil).  They defend Iran and North Korea, and work with China to stop evil quasi-capitalist USA.  They're a big reason I think the UN is a joke.

Now, on to what I think is going on with missile defense in Europe.

The Russians have been opposed to this for a long time, without any real good reason as to why.  With how they treat former Soviet states, many Eastern European states have good reason to fear their hostility.  However, the missile defense shield has been more for the protection against a nuclear Iran than Russian hostility.  Despite what this Russian blogger has to say, you build the defense BEFORE they get the missiles; after is too late.

Obama is weak (politically speaking), and he doesn't appreciate (or necessarily even like) American exceptionalism.  He didn't like the missile defense, and needed a better reason than just cancelling it.  So, in my opinion (and it's just my opinion), once Obama won his re-election, a plan was set in place to cancel the final stages of missile defense in Eastern Europe under the guise of safety and finances.  We needed a good reason to cancel, and the North Koreans magically started their empty threats this year.

So, this has given our President's administration a good excuse to cancel in Europe and 'plan' to put them up closer to North Korea.  North Korea is actively testing Nuclear warheads, and they tested a launch for a satellite, that could potentially deliver a missile.  However, this is the same North Korea that can't feed it's own people, imprisons them and works with Iran on it's missiles.  Masters of propaganda and lies, but not good at following through on threats.

What won't come out is what is bringing this threatening attitude out in North Korea.  What is financing all of this testing?  How much is Russia helping? China?  Just Iran?  Are they getting aid to do this?  Because Russia got what it wants, Obama got an excuse to not complete missile defense, and we've left our allies in the wind against Iran and Russian aggression.

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