07 August 2022

Kaveman's Musings, Episode 1 (June 8th 2022)

Hello, welcome to “Kaveman’s Musings”, episode 1 My name is Keenan Webb, and I’m your dashing host!  (This is a video podcast I'm doing, and I'll post the rough draft of the manuscript for the videos here, and will try to include the links of the research I've done here).

Today is June 6th, 78 years since the D-Day invasion, to take back Europe from the Nazis.  Yesterday, June 5th, was the 33rd anniversary of ‘tank man’ stepping in front of chinese tanks, to try and dissuade them from massacring protesting students in Tiananmen Square, in China.

JUne 4th was the 18th anniversary of the “Killdozer”, and  Marvin Heemeyer’s rampage through the town of Granby, Colorado to protest a zoning commission who wiped out his business, and would not listen to reason.  “I was always willing to be reasonable until I had to be unreasonable. Sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things.”

So, with all of those things happening, and the current state of the country in 2022, I figure it’s time to do something I’ve wanted to do for a while now, and start my podcast.  I’m a 37-year old bachelor, who hasn’t quite given up hope that I’ll find an amazing wife, and we’ll have a large, beautiful family.  I’m remodeling my house, ever so slowly, I’ve had my current job for more than 13 years, rotating shifts and all.

I picked the name, “A kaveman’s musings”, partially because one of my best friend’s dads gave me the nickname, “caveman”, with a c.  And because I’m Keenan, I changed it to start with a “K”, and it’s a moniker I’ve kept since then.  Another reason is because I have 2% neanderthal DNA,which my friends have teased me about, since I guess that’s high.  I’m also usually pretty blunt, and I don’t like beating around the bush.  And finally, it’s because I think we rely too much on ‘credentials’, on ‘experts’, on ‘the swamp’, as Trump called it, otherwise known as the establishment.  I don’t think all bureaucracy is evil, but sometimes it’s a necessary evil, and it usually screws things up. 

I don’t think we need to rely on experts and crazy solutions, that are usually just clever ways to give the government more power.  I think things can generally be explained simply enough for the common person to understand, and common sense, as rare as it may be, can be used to fix most of the things that ail our society, culture, people, and country.

I am a Christian, so everything flows from my Christian worldview.  It’s hard to consider myself a ‘conservative’, because I don’t know which of the rotten pillars of our government I’d actually want to conserve.  So, I consider myself an ‘idealist’, what is the ideal way for our country to work, to get along, to improve things.

If you guys are interested, I can do short shows on each of the events that I mentioned at the beginning of the episode, and I will be talking out the latest absurdities from our government, how to actually keep kids safe in school.  I might try to have guests, and I will always want to have rational, polite conversations if people disagree with me. (Yes, even though I understand how toxic Youtube’s comment section can be).  I look forward to growing an audience on youtube and Rumble, and I might even create a Twitter handle again (I was formerly “A Conservatarian” to help with promotions!

Thanks for watching,
Kaveman out

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