06 June 2013

What are our values?


In a campaign event after the Benghazi attack, POTUS said this:  “We want to send a message all around the world — anybody who would do us harm: No act of terror will dim the light of the values that we proudly shine on the rest of the world, and no act of violence will shake the resolve of the United States of America.”
— Obama, campaign event in Las Vegas, Sept. 13

Firstly, Obama and his administration were still pinning this on a crappy youtube flick and seemingly hoping to reduce the first amendment to not include any criticism of Islam, because that would hurt their feelings.  Second, he and his administration were covering up 'Fast and Furious' on a more global scale.  Finally, the quote seems a bit arrogant as if the US were actually shining some light on the world with its values (while breaking international law selling guns the way they were).

I believe at one point, America may have been a shining city on a hill.  But at this point, the claim is laughable.

What are our values?

We kill babies and call it 'reproductive rights'.  We care more about securing the borders of foreign countries than our own.  We care more about taking care of special interests that support us than actually ensuring our children actually get an education.  We care more about being politically correct than actually correct.  We care far more about shitty tv than we do real life events that actually impact us.  We care more about feeling good and doing what feels 'natural' to us than remembering that our actions have consequences and doing the right thing.  No longer can we disagree or look for common ground, we must divide ourselves along economic, political, faith-based, location and age divides.

That's what happens when you abandon the Truth for a lie, I suppose.  We have no moral standing in the world, anymore.  Maybe instead of claiming to be the best (which 'is' in our grasp, I believe) we should actually attempt to better ourselves.  Let's work together, help the people around us.

The way we stop this is limiting the Federal government first.  By cutting spending, reforming the tax code (flat tax or Fairtax), securing our borders, and returning a majority of the government powers to the most local of governments, you return the power to the people.  Yes, We The People need to consolidate resources for things like a military, transportation, and the maintenance of the Republic.  However, the "Pursuit of Happiness" is about the framework for maintaining freedom.  The general welfare of the Republic is not about handouts, it's about doing what's best for the entire country and keeping it around to BE that shining city on a hill.  A shining city on a hill requires light, and I prefer a different Light to flames.

I don't like the character, and not even necessarily the show.  This speech is good.  It's got me thinking what makes us great, what makes us 'shine', what makes us mighty?  In the Old Testament, Israel got STEAMROLLED several times when they turned away from God.  Were there signs that it was about to occur?  If so, could we see them in America today?

Certainly not this.

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