If I was Del Rio, I'd want to quit. I wouldn't want to coach under Ron Rivera if I thought the $100k fine was all his doing. If we as Americans can't have honest conversations, we are not free. Dissenting opinions are also known as "diversity"; It's not just an issue of skin color or reproductive organs.
The blm riots caused billions of dollars of damage, and quite a bit against federal government buildings. Democrats across the country refused to defend federal buildings and refused help from Trump.
If the people participating in the blm riots in 2020 had the restraint of the January 6th protestors, no one would still be talking about them. Hundreds of private businesses wouldn't have been robbed or burned to the ground. Police stations wouldn't have burned to the ground, federal buildings in the Northwest would've have been under siege every night for over 100 nights. Kyle Rittenhouse wouldn't have shot three white men who took the time to attack him between "peaceful protests".
If the people at the Capitol, other than a few agitators, behaved like blm rioters, we wouldn't have a Capitol building anymore. It would have burned to the ground and thousands would have died, including politicians. Then it would actually deserve the attention it's getting.
That's the difference.
Just like in cities across the country in 2020, Democrats refused the help that Trump was trying to offer before January 6th. How come?