11 November 2013

Wow, time flies! I love it!

As of today, it's been three months since I posted.  That's definitely not been my intent, but that's where life has taken me.

I've gotten quite a bit done on my house (pics may be forthcoming...), went to two (2) baseball games, posted too much political stuff on facebook, and continue to see just where this nation is going through those conversations and tweetersations.

It makes me incredibly sad when people put so little thought into their worldviews, or their lives in general.  Their decisions are based on 'now' not, any future hopes and desires.  I find myself far too often thinking the same way.

I believe that the most common definition of "love" in America today involves "feeling".  In my opinion, that's alright when you're talking about music, cars, pets, and sports, but there is a reason there were FOUR (4) greek words for love.

Philia love:
According to M-W, Philia is: "a strong feeling of love [affection] or admiration for something."  I think M-W has it wrong.  You can't use the word 'love' to define a type of love, unless the 'feeling of' love is an external descriptor of something you don't see and can't always understand.

Agape love:
According to M-W, it's 'love 4a'.
"unselfish loyal and benevolant[kind and generous] concern for the good of another:  as (1): the fatherly concern of God for humankind (2): brotherly concern for others
I believe they get close here.  The descriptors used "unselfish", "loyal", "benevolant" (which they have spelled wrong) imply that this word describes something that is NOT just a feeling, but a conscious choice.  Feelings today and actions do not matter in the long run, [agape] remains.

Eros love:
M-W def. 3
"love conceived by Plato as a fundamental creative impulse having a sensual element (erotic [sexual] love)"

Which definition of love do you want from people?  A feeling based on your emotional state that day and by how you treat others (and vice versa?)

As Christians, we are expected to Agape everyone.  They know we are Christians by our AGAPE.  Not our 'eros', not our 'philia',  but our 'agape' love.  The long-standing love that stays around and they know that no matter how much they have spit in your face, no matter how much they have wronged you, no matter how much they teased you, your love is stronger.

When is the last time you made sure your spouse knows that you AGAPE them?  When's the last you let them know that their actions, their feelings, your feelings, and all the crap that life can throw at you weren't enough to keep you from loving them?

If you are single, when is the last time that your family and close friends knew that your love was a conscious choice that would not be swayed by feelings and happenings of the day?

Life is short on this earth, we have but the blink of an eye to make an impact.  Anyone can practice Philia love, especially for short bursts of time.  Attractions change, people make mistakes, time changes people.  Build your marriage and friendships on a more solid foundation than feelings.

That's not to say that agape love does not include philia or eros, but that they complement agape and make it that much sweeter.  Agape isn't an emotionless love, far from it.  There is peace, comfort, and trust in agape love.