While I do believe that the jury made a correct verdict, I am not happy. Why, you ask? Well, because this has not been about a trial, and it will not bring Trayvon Martin back. As a 17-year old, he died far too young and I wish it hadn't happened.
The Lame Stream Media (LSM) helped prop this up from the start. They concealed evidence, altered photographic evidence, and edited phone calls that they got their grubby hands on. They saw it as a 'white' man killing a black teen, and since everyone knows that all whites are racist (or that it will get them ratings), they hammered Zimmerman for the last 18 months.
The police investigating the alleged murder did NOT arrest him. The initial prosecutor didn't see enough evidence to arrest him and charge him.
Then POTUS got involved, in his 'post racial' 'transparent' manner. "If I had a son..." And, of course, I'm sure he was thinking that the police acted stupidly. Ask him about any of the dozens of scandals his administration is involved in and it's, "We can't comment on an ongoing investigation", but he can sure speak up when race is involved. He badgered the governor of Florida into bringing in a different prosecutor and rumor has it that DOJ under Holder has been propping up the agitators.
People this is NOT a failure of the Justice System. This was not the case of a single person using bias to declare innocence or guilt. This was a "trial by your peers" guaranteed by our Constitution. Anyone who thinks this is a failure of the Justice System is slightly biased and did not look into any evidence and is taking skin color into too much account. This entire charade of a trial was because of race and it provides a nice distraction while our country goes to [more] shit.
Stand your ground laws aren't applicable because he couldn't. I don't know how many people can retreat when they're getting the crap kicked out of them. In Florida, he is innocent of Murder and Manslaughter. This wouldn't be the case in Chicago, or DC, or California; These places, owning a gun is taboo enough, much less having the guts to use it. In Florida, they care about the 2nd amendment. They ARE also looking into modifying the law to make it a better law. Maybe it needs more clarification, but on more minute issues that don't change the overall scope of the law: You have the right to defend yourself.
Some want to portray Zimmerman as a racist. That's pretty laughable and lacked any evidence. Some people want to portray Trayvon as an angel. That's equally laughable. That wasn't the town his mother lives in, that's not the town he was supposed to be going to school in. I don't think the kid was a monster, I think he didn't have his dad around.
Dad's are supposed to be the disciplinarians, to help keep you on the right path. This will sound harsh, but here we go: If the black community wants to stop senseless violence and killings, they need to leave the hip hop culture in the dust. Drugs, hoes, fighting, and guns aren't messages you want to pass on to successful kids. Even the government 'admits' that nuclear families consisting of a mother, and a father, along with any children they have, provide protection, financial security, and a better moral foundation.
Fatherlessness and abortion are annihilating the black community. I don't think the two are unrelated. The symptoms of fatherlessness are present in the most violent cities: anger, hatred, lashing out. Young boys join gangs to 'feel' like a man, to feel part of a family, to earn money and respect. Wouldn't it be nice if those opportunities were available outside a violent life?
With any freedom comes responsibility. The holy grail known as the 'pursuit of happiness', which could probably also have been said "Yes, you are your brother's keeper". You see the pursuit of happiness has nothing to do with people's feelings. It DOES, however, have to do with the framework we put in place as a society (through government regulations or self regulations) to not be so damn selfish. To keep our freedom, we have to work at it, and that includes taking care of those around us. Ya know, 1 bad apple ruins the whole bunch...
For everyone to pursue happiness (as most people interpret the Declaration of Independence), we need to uphold the law while respecting (loving) those around us. For it to truly be a pursuit, respect needs to be received AND given. For that, we need to be logical, moral people. For that, we need to move past first impressions (otherwise known as judgments), move past our emotions relating to a subject, and sometimes sacrifice OUR fun and OUR time and OUR money for the sake of those around us.
That means when things don't go our way, we don't riot. We educate ourselves, we educate others, and we make change of what needs to be changed. The key is the foundation of Truth.