Maybe it's because I was sleeping most of the day (night shifts) or maybe it's because I have good friends, but I didn't have any April Fool's jokes. So that was pretty sweet. I'll be dealing with some unintended consequences of my actions, but it's something that shouldn't be too bad.
Now, for some headlines and [un]wanted commentary :)
Some of these United States have some pretty awesome surpluses. It's the result of jobs and job creation in some instances, tough decisions that needed to be made in some, and good fiscal policy in all. The common theme is that when states plan budgets, they're A. mandatory and B. not allowed to have a deficit. For more than a few years, the US Senate failed to come up with a budget. That's not due to lack of effort (by some, I should say), it's due to partisan bull crap and bad ideas. Some come to the table with decent ideas and a desire to actually cut spending. Others come with nonsense. For the record, Obama's budgets haven't gotten more than a single vote. They make what actually happens seem sane (which is probably the only reason he puts out budgets, other than the Constitutional requirement). But, you look, and there are several cities which are still struggling. A common theme with them is long-term Democratic leadership, progressive taxes, and too much government control. But why would we care about that?
Things are moving on the Korean Peninsula, and that's pun intended. I'm thinking I may have been wrong about who was egging North Korea on. I mean, China putting it's troops on the border isn't proof beyond reasonable doubt, but it's happened before, that's why we have 2 Koreas. Plus, China is using their industrial might to coerce Australia to back them in getting away from the US Dollar. Things like these make me less hopeful that it it would be a good idea to abandon large swaths of the world in our own interests of saving money. What fills that vacuum? Chinese and Russian interests, which I'm not a fan of. We have a very weak POTUS, and Iran is smelling the blood from lack of resolve against North Korea. Their rhetoric isn't anything new, either, I mean, they call us the Great Satan every other hour. However, I think many people were foaming at the mouth when we re-elected Barack Obama because he's in favor of a limited US role in the world.
I can't keep up with all the reality shows, and I don't care to try. However, some of you know what "Buckwild" is, and one of the stars is dead. My prayers go to the family, as they've lost 3 members of the family.
Global WARMING is causing thicker ice. Seriously. It doesn't surprise me, really. The idea comes from the same vein as the theory of Darwinian Evolution, which claims that evolution has improved creatures with time. The only other thing that doesn't deteriorate with time is wine. Things on this planet break down, deteriorate, get worse, with time. What am I missing? Darwinian evolution and creation are both accepted on faith. Accept which one you believe answers the questions about the origins of the planet, but don't do it based on the truth of the matter that a God existing makes what you do on this earth relevant because of the possibility of after life or judgement.
We either have a problem classifying childhood as ADHD, or a problem with such a large increase in the numbers. If we have an increase, I'm guessing it's something we're ingesting. It's just a guess. However, we're increasingly interested in classifying everything as a problem that people have no control over. That leads to kids that don't believe their actions have consequences. This happens every few months in Chicago, it seems, and is increasing across large cities. Kids need a mother AND father, and kids need to be spanked (disciplined). Can kids grow absent of those? Sure. Let's at least give them the best chance of success in the world, let's not make them learn everything without guidance.
Weird story of the day? A story on behind the scenes stuff from the sex industry. I don't know if sympathy is wanted, but the industry isn't one that I endorse, I wish it wasn't getting so much money. I guess we need some moral assistance.