25 January 2013

What Feinstein's gun ban is really about

I do think it’s telling that legislation like this is coming from people like Senator Feinstein, who have probably never held a gun, and not even the pretty radical Senator Reid.  When I hold my semi-automatic rifle (it’s not an assault anything) by my shoulder and aim down the sights. If I 'spray' it's because I am pulling the trigger a lot, because it's semi-automatic. The hallmark of a semi-auto rifle is that 1 bullet leaves the barrel with 1 trigger pull (unless something's wrong and then nothing happens). What matters more than how many rounds my magazines can hold is my mental state.  If my head is filled with hate, the tool doesn't matter, I'll do damage.  The key is to ensure that I'm mentally and emotionally strong enough to NOT do things in anger. 

I’ll rant about things like this in the future, but part of being self-controlled is being able to think critically about things, to use logic.  Another aspect is ensuring that adults don’t set up kids for failure in the ‘real world’; that world is apparently different from the one we raise them in.

If you want to ban 'bump firing' then do that and leave semi-automatic rifles alone.  And what is a 'bullet button'?  Those of us who know a thing or two about firearms call a ‘bullet button’ a magazine release.  The magazine is what holds the bullets, a clip holds rounds together for easier insertion into a magazine.  Sometimes they’re referred to as ‘stripper clips’.  I could have a thousand-round clip and it wouldn't be able to hurt anyone.

The Constitution says nothing about hunting when it guarantees the right to bear arms. The 'defense' mentioned is against the government, and what you want is directly opposed to that.  No offense, but that seems like you need to read the Constitution and think about the oath that you and every other person in congress took when you were ‘sworn in’.

You've nearly let the cat out of the bag, when you say things like "dry up the supply".  Do you even know who you’re drying up the supply for?  [Or maybe you do, and that’s the real problem]  Criminals are not known for obeying the laws.  That may seem rather elementary, but it needs to be said.  Some people believe all that’s needed for an end to violence is just one more law, no matter how many were broken the last time something terrible happened.  A regulation is worth NOTHING, not even to wipe with the paper it’s written on, if the people who are supposed to follow it will not do so.  Nothing could be more harmful to the Republic than disarming all of its citizens.  Well, more harmful than what Congress has already done to destroy it and the Constitution.

Many people throw out the 'musket' theory when talking about banning black guns from the general populace, today.  They seem to think that we had ‘muskets’ back then, and that’s why it was written; certainly not for the ‘dangerous looking’ weapons we have today.  What they don't seem to remember, however, is that during the Revolutionary War, the colonists by and large had better weaponry.  That is, unless you think that an un-rifled musket is better than a rifled barrel.  That's why the British had to walk in lines and shoot together, the guns weren't accurate.  I’d say a bullet kills the same as it did 235 years ago, except for that the accuracy we have today, which is standard.

Another thing, the "shot heard 'round the world" was fired during the British attempt to confiscate weapons from the colonists at Lexington and Concord.  What reasoning was given then for them to not have the 'arms' they had?  Are we hearing the same reasons today?

Regulations during the colonial period.
The DHS wants you to fend off a shooter with scissors.  Not the 'assault scissors', with high-capacity cutting surfaces, or the ones that look scary (pointy, peace signs... *shivers*)... Make sure you use the new and improved, government issued 'safety scissors', which are safer... for the kids.  It'll almost be like bringing a knife to a gun fight, but with a cheap, blunt edge.

Finally, if we can ban guns for looking scary, I want to ban 'assault women', who assault my eyes.